We've added this forum to the Trail cafe web site.
The primary goal is to get feedback on the site as I develop it. however, the forum itself may be of interest to the trail cafe community. There are lots of good forums out there, for example
www.myccr.com is a great canoing forum for canada. Never-the-less, we've added a few high level boards here, feel free to use.
If there are specific boards you'd like added, that are 'trail related', We are happy to add them at this time. let me know what they are, and let me know if you are willing to moderate the board. Boards that are good examples that will be added:
- Trail type board for a specific region.
- trail type board for a out doors club.
- environmental concerns.
However, as this site is under development, anay board may move around, or even dissapear! (proably by accident, or if I need to change software, security breach, etc). So you get what you pay for, and since this service is free, you have no guarentee of sevice. But... we'll try.