This page captures the list of useful links I've collected, to reasources related to getting on the various trails.
Links to Canoe Resources and groups
The Local Canoe/Kayak Club
The Bow waters Canoe club is an active group of paddlers in Calgary. I recommend joining if you live in the area. In the winter the make the shift to back country skiing. I've pilfered and modifed their schedule to get a list of trips for the area. Here is the distilled list: BWCC River trip list
The following link is to a sample trip list, which includes informat ion on river difficulty
They also offer canoe and WW kayak courses for the public, from Flat water canoing to river rescue. They have group BBQs, Camping trips, run courses for scouts, clean the river, and are actively involved in enviromental stewardship.
Other Links to Canoe Trip reports resources
- Canoe Stories from A collection of canoe trips and stories from out east. From the Web Page, "Wilderness lands of Minnesota and Ontario ... Come with me now as we head into the wilderness. The portage path is opening, the next shore is just ahead. Put down your heavy load and follow me to a place of discovery and adventure... - Jim Hegyi"
- Tom's Canoeing Pages Tom lives out in Central-Eastern Canada, build a Huron Cruiser. Check out his trips, and canoe building pages.
- Canadain Canoe routes. This looks to be the site I wanted to provide, but never had the time or motivation to setup. Each Provence has it's own canoe trips report page, as well as a forum for discussion.
- DR Zandee's web page. An Avid canoest, active poster on the Alberta routes section of the CCR.
- Tony's Paddling Page. A list of trips that Tony has been on. Similar to my list, in a different part of the world.
Other Links to Seakayaking Trip reports resources
- Woody's trip reports This site has lots of trip reports spaning several year, it also has several kayaking related news bits, and the like. Very well done. Trips are tipically based out of Northern Japan, and around VA USA (I assume)
- Kayak Trips forum A forum of sea kayaking trips, as hosted by Guillemot kayaks.
- Mountain Wayfarer Marek Uliasz' Padeling pages. Well done, fantastic photos here and in other topic areas.
Epic Trips
A Section of "Epic Trips"
Canada By Land: 2003/2004 Trip by two Brits from Ottawa to Vancouver by Canoe.
Online resources
River Forcast Center: Use this to get the most recent flow rate before hitting an Alberta river.
Canadian Recreational Canoing Association for Canadian paddling resources, and groups.
Alberta Recreational Canoing Association Associated with the CRCA. These guys provide some nice canoe maps for several of the Alberta rivers, and are activly generating more. These provide a fairly detailed map of the river, and fill in with canoeing tips, and local history. All for $6.00 or so.
Toporama or Toporama FTP There are some fairly High quality Canadian maps here considering they are free, 1:50k, and 1:250k. Several of my older reports use these these maps. NOTE: the link below has 'nicer' maps, but the toporama maps are more suitable for calibration to GPS maping applications like OziExplorer, as they are not distorted scans of paper maps.
More Free maps of canada There are quite good 1:250 and 1:50 scale free maps of most of Canada at the first link above. In order to figure out which on you need you look up the numbering sysetm on the index.
You can download the indexes here: Index (Alternately the toporama page above can be used to figure out the indexes.
If not then start your search from here: download site
Your input
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