15 years since I last owned and used as set of Cross country skis A friend just gave me a pair, now it's time to take the sport back up again (2005).
Alberta, Canada
Calgary Area
Fish Creek Park Voltier's Flats Fish Creek is a large park inside Calgary. This is my first X-country trip in some time. Starting at Voltier's Flats and going South then West, and back.
kananaskis_wheeler-amos : (19-Jan-2007)Easy day trip on a small section of the pocatara ski trails.
Wiskey Jack and Bolton Creek Two segments of trails, in a
maze of trail out by the Kananaskis lakes. Each considerably different
from the other. One a medium difficuly trail "up a hill", the other
an easy trail along Bolton Creek.
Skiing_Pocaterra _Wheeler-amos-woolley-meadow : (11-Jan-2009)A small set of the easier trails in the Pocaterr a skitrail setting, in Kananaskis country. Trails are usually groomed, although this time the A mos-woolley section were not.
Peter_Laugheed_Prov_Park_Pocatera_-_Morain-Elk_Pass-T yrwhitt-Whiskey_Jack : (19-Sept-2009)Late season cross country trip in the southern part of the Peter Laugheed Prov. Park ski trails.
West side of Sawmill trailsA small section of the Sawmill ski trails. These are non-track set trails, the portions we went through were narrow single track trails.
Peter Laugheed ski trails - Amos with a 6yr old About 2 hrs on the trail. Taking a ski out on the end of Amos trail and back. With a detour out along the Wheeler trail to get a view of the valley and the mountains beyond. Today I'm out with my 6yr old daughter, and the report revolves around her on the trail.
West_Bragg_Creek_Mtn_Rd-Moose_Connector-Crystal_Line-Sundog-Elbow-Iron_Springs-Sund og.html: (17-Jan-2010)A mixed batch of trails just west of Bragg creek. Today we ran through a parts of severa l sections to loop back to the south side of the trail set. The trails we are on today are a mix of active roads, c ut-lines and I think old logging roads. Maybe even purpose cleared trails.
Rest of Alberta
Cascade_trail : (17-Dec-2006) Fairly easy and seanic trail near lake Minnewanka. Over the closed road in, then up the fire road to Cascade River.
- LocationArea: Banff National Park
- LocationArea: Banff National Park
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